More States = More Sales

The step by step plan to grow your e-commerce vape business sustainably and profitably.

The most common questions we receive on a daily basis:

“Who should I use to ship my products?”

“Who can guide me to get registered and licensed into a state?”

Once I’m registered, how can I market my brand?”

“Who can help with my ongoing paperwork & taxes?”

We have the answers.

(Note: we do not receive any commission or kick back from any of the companies listed below)

  • ● Shipping & Logistics – There have been a number of ‘fly by night’ companies that have attempted to create a “network of regional couriers.” Most have been a bust. One that has gained enough traction to begin reducing shipping times from weeks down to days is RocketShip. Not only have they begun a sustainable regional courier model, they are keeping their prices very competitive in an effort to support the industry.

    ● Registration & Licensing – There’s a strategy to this. Some states require substantial paperwork, significant fees, and extended time for approval to sell into states. Some are the opposite. TVC Law Group and Keller & Heckman are options that offers in-depth industry knowledge and know-how. Are they the cheapest? No. The best? I think so.

    ● Marketing – Start with who you know (past customers) and grow a referral base. Part 1 to this is to leverage Klaviyo for your past/current customer base within your e-commerce platform. Klaviyo allows you to leverage all the metadata collected from past sales to acutely target customers you sold to last week or years ago. Part 2 is to leverage Referral Candy. Referral Candy will create a simple path for loyal customers to share their experience with others. Pro tip; target metropolitan areas on the borders of states you want to sell into to leverage both.

    ● Ongoing Paperwork & Taxes – Ongoing PACT, sales, and excise tax work can be a full time job (and some). At Token of Trust, we will show you how you can do all of these efficiently on your own if that is your desire. If you are the type of Owner or Manager that delegates this kind of work, consider bringing us on as a member of your team. I guarantee Token of Trust will be a fraction of the costs of hiring an accountant or lawyer. We do the dirty work, you focus on the sales. If you have questions on how to leverage this plan to sell more, give us a shout by clicking here.