Wired For Wine
Wired for Wine® uses the Token of Trust® Web Portal to safely process orders that indicate a risk for fraud. Adding a reliable customer verification mechanism allows Wired for Wine to accept 65% of customers previously identified as a “high risk” for fraud.
If your business doesn’t use reliable verification tools, “high risk” orders can be a costly challenge. You are forced to spend time investigating customers while seldom finding definitive answers. If you’re like many businesses, your team may pass on “high risk” orders because it’s not worth the time, effort and risk. Token of Trust provides confidence in these situations, allowing businesses to increase sales.
Wired for Wine was able to say yes to 30% more customers in comparison to their previous process. Overall, they reported an 18x ROI on the investment in Token of Trust.

Token of Trust delivers a best-in-class patented verification platform that acts as the trusted middleman for the businesses and their customers. Token of Trust takes pride in being GDPR and CCPA compliant. We encrypt and store user data so that your business doesn’t have to handle sensitive data. We protect consumer data while providing businesses the information they need to make safe, informed decisions .