Twitter has a “Fake Followers” problem. Online verification company Token of Trust just offered a solution for free

Twitter has a “Fake Followers” problem. Twitter Blue members can start getting verified for free and pay only once with a Token of Trust lifetime membership.

Twitter Blue members can start for free and pay only once with a Token of Trust lifetime membership.

After proposing fees as high as $240 annually, New Twitter CEO Elon Musk is facing a sea of thumbs down (and other more specific) emojis to his plan to let users keep their valued, blue checkmarks. Musk also recently threatened to cut staff by up to 75% to cut costs.

While details as to how Twitter might go about re-verifying the hundreds of thousands of its supposedly verified users is slim, the problem is real. According to Musk, 20% or more of Twitter’s accounts are fake or spam. Darrin Edelman, CEO of Minneapolis-based Token of Trust, says his online verification company can step in and solve both problems. “We believe we can beat Twitter to the punch on this and we’re not going to fire anybody over it.”

Edelman continues “If you have Twitter Blue, you’ll be able to verify your Twitter Account with Token of Trust for free, and we’re considering opening this up to the broader Twitter user base as well.” Token of Trust verification technology is used in over 190 countries and is compliant with global privacy laws. The platform verifies online profiles using a patented mix of government ID, biometric, social media and location data.

Token of Trust Registration for Twitter Blue Users opens November 7, 2022. Starting on 11/7, the first 20,000 Twitter Blue users can get verified so they can try Token of Trust free for their first 90 days. After the initial free trial, verified Token of Trust-verified Twitter Blue accounts can get a lifetime membership for $50 or pay $24 annually, 25% of the most recently proposed price by Musk. If you don’t want to use Twitter Blue to prove your identity, you can still use Token of Trust to do so.

About Token of Trust
Token of Trust is an online platform that helps organizations and consumers make safer decisions by managing identities and reputations. Organizations use Token of Trust to quickly screen sensitive transactions for safety and to meet compliance requirements while empowering consumers to control and reuse their verified reputations. User data is uniquely encrypted and stored in the cloud using data storage standards that exceed those used by the banking industry. Unlike free services like social media, Token of Trust will never sell and has never sold consumer information. Users of Token of Trust always “opt-in” to use the platform and have full control of how their information is used.